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If you Can't Say Anything Nice
allergic to assholes
single taken hungry
will cook for sex
if youre going to be salty
I have mixed drinks about feelings tank.
recipe for today
bad ass
wild one
two people drinking
three misc on deck
thats a horrible idea
sorry no habla fucktardo
please take a number
oh hell no
not today walk away
nope not happening
no fucks tee
no fucks tank
my dog and I talk shit
mixed drinks
living my okayest life
Lake Mode
its a throat punch kinda dayNo logo
it wasnt me
i workout to burn off the crazy
i tend to wine a lot
having a weird mom builds character
giving a f
fuck it 2
fancy as fuck and good heart
call me margarits tank
day drinkin
dog mom
Apparently I have an attitude
beer never broke my heart and sorry did
bad and boozy
adulting would not recommend

Clever. Inappropriate. Hilarious. Witty. Silly. Awkward.

All of these are us, all of the time. And we like to show it off!

Rated R T-Shirts are shirts you can wear out and start a conversation! Some people like them, some people don't -- but that's the fun of it! If you don't like it, don't buy it - if you do like it, buy it! Get your bestie one too!

When you purchase from Rated R T-Shirts you are supporting a small business.We print all of our own designs in house with a skilled team of designers, printers, and embroidery specialists. We use a think tank of fun, a like-mind crazies that help us put it on a shirt!


If you have a great idea be sure to find us on Facebook! If your idea sells you will receive that item at no cost to you, and of course bragging rights! 

Please help spread the word and share us!

Special Thank you to @freepik

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